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Feature request - how does upvoting work?

By @mjcau
    2021-06-26 06:22:57.337Z

    Support extra cheese?

    Everyone likes cheese.

    There are no downsides.

    example of cheese:
    Groovilicious __________________________________________________________¶¶¶¶¶¶¶
    • item list
      • with indents?
    1. cool story bro
    2. end of list
    • 5 replies
    1. F
      In reply tomjcau:
      fres bi @Fresh1
        2021-06-26 13:32:00.677Z

        I haven't seen any upvoting feature yet..maybe it will be added in the feature

        1. K@KajMagnus
            2021-06-27 11:31:34.218Z

            You can click the Like vote? (The heart icon)

            It's the upvote

            Or what are your thoughts

          • D
            In reply tomjcau:
            david wu @davidwu
              2022-11-06 16:35:44.116Z

              is 中文是否可以,宁静以致远

              1. Progress
                with doing this idea
              2. M
                  2021-06-26 06:25:05.591Z


                  1. M@mjcau marked this topic as Planned 2021-06-26 06:38:10.426Z.
                  2. K
                      2021-06-27 11:33:51.543Zreplies tomjcau:

                      The cheese is still there at the same place